by M.J. Waldock
I think and think the whole day long,
About the things that can go wrong.
I think I've failed before I start
Which takes away the very spark,
To do the things I want to do
That haunt my sleep the whole night through.
What can I do to clear the path
Of obstacles that cause such wrath.
The boulders in my mind that make
The journey that my soul will take
A long and rugged road that winds
Forever twisting in my mind.
Where will it end, this bumpy road
When will I shed this heavy load?
Of always thinking of the worst,
I know I'm surely not that cursed.
I think I'll step upon the path,
And meet the boulder with a laugh.
I can succeed I know I can
Just think of where it all began.
A simple phrase from long ago
From one I thought was in the know.
Some tiny word so negative,
Is this the way we really live?
With other peoples doubts and fears
that stop us from our goals so near?
I think I will relieve my mind
Of thoughts, that merely waste my time.
I will begin the day anew
And take a very different view,
Of life that's far above the road
And see myself without the load.
I think I'll think the whole day long
Of how I'll meet the cheering throngs
Of those who honor my success
For clearing out this ugly mess
Of thoughts, that made my day so dim
And made my dreams of life so grim
I think I'll think and think again
About the ways I'm going to win.
And when those ugly thoughts arise
That cause my dreams to be disguised,
I'll take a step upon the road
And start to move, however slow
Until I reach the finish line.
And then, I'll know, it was my mind
That made me think the whole day long,
About the things that could go wrong.
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