We live in interesting, challenging times. New technologies offer instant communication and the opportunity to be showcased on a worldwide platform. Competition is fierce! To be successful today one needs to have a clear vision, dynamic leadership, laser focus, unique branding, solid processes and procedures, team participation and the belief that anything is possible.
Our mission is to help you realize the success that you desire and deserve by branding you and your company, coaching you and your staff, speaking at your next event, or conducting business and personal develop workshops. Everything we do is custom designed to meet your specific needs and goals.
A Brand represents your promise to your customer.
Corporations create products and services and then decide how they want you to think about them. The goal is to position that product/service to occupy the top rung on the ladder in your mind when you think about that category. They BRAND THEM!
In today’s fast-paced, highly competitive world, branding is more important than ever. You and your company are on a worldwide stage where it’s easy to get lost and have people form their own opinions.
Branding is about Perception, and perception is reality. Whether you are branding a product, a small company or you, there are several important components to consider. First Impressions count! What first impression are you making? Do you even know what you want it to be? Since perception is reality, how is your brand perceived, what pre-conceived perceptions do you need to overcome? Lastly, changing someone’s mind is extremely difficult. To effectively create a brand, you must change your perspective, and be the receiver of your own information. Sound challenging? I look forward to helping you establish and control your brand.
Every successful Athlete has a coach, why do you want to do it alone?
As a business owner, corporate leader/executive, manager, director or one who is just starting out, where do you find the help you need to reach the top of the ladder? Sometimes you are fortunate enough to have a mentor who provides guidance. But, most often, seeking outside, professional objective input is the best solution. With the proper coaching, you can work through your issues, gain new skills and confidence, re-frame old ideas and enhance your ability to realize your big dream, in a safe and engaging environment.
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We learn from others, their experiences, passions, insights, knowledge and their unique perspective. Great speakers understand how to draw upon all these traits to paint a verbal picture for us, reach into the depths of our beings, open our eyes and hearts to opportunity and enlighten us with their ability to keep our attention. Learn more about how Marlene will do this for your company or group.
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Learning new skills or taking a refresher course is a must if you want to stay competitive. At 1st Impression Communications, we have a broad range of workshops that address a variety of business situations and needs. Whether you want to train your employees, host a workshop for your clients, sponsor a public forum and just be an attendee, we have something for everyone who strives to be more successful is business and life. They are well designed for clarity and focus, interactive and educational. You will walk away with new skills and thought processes, and an action plan.